1、开 🦅 眼角内 🐦 切口效果如何
内 🐛 切口 🐞 开 🐒 眼角
原理: 通过在上眼睑内侧做切口,去 ☘ 除多余的眼 🦄 睑褶皱和皮肤
扩大内眼 🐳 角 🌴 的角度,创造更圆润更、宽大的眼部轮廓
效果: 自然柔和 🌺 :内 🌴 切口隐藏在眼睑内侧 🕷 切口,痕,迹不明显效果自然
放大双眸:扩大内眼角角度 🌴 ,拉,宽 🌵 眼距使眼 🐟 睛显得更大更明亮
改善眼部比例:对于内眦赘皮或内眼角过窄的人,可,以有 🦊 效改善眼部轮廓使面部比例更协调
打造桃花眼:内切 🦊 口开眼角后,会,形成一个细长的内眼角给人 🦅 一种楚楚动人的桃花眼效果 🦊
优点: 效 🌹 果自 🦊 然美观
切口痕迹隐藏,不易察觉 🕊
适合各种眼型,尤其是内眦赘皮或内眼 🐧 角过窄的人
手术时间 🦈 短,恢 💮 复期快
缺点: 开大角度受 🦟 限,效果不及外切口开眼角 🌷
有 🌹 可能出现内眼角轻微凹陷的问 🌺 题
手术后需要一 ☘ 定时间恢复,期间会有肿胀 🌿 和淤青
总体来说,内,切,口,开眼角效果良好可以有效 🌷 放大双眸改善眼部比例打造自然柔和的桃花眼。
2、开眼 🌺 角内切口效果如何图片
in 1998, the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Society of Ocular Oncology published preferred practice guidelines for the surgical management of basal and squamous cell carcinoma of the eyelids. This article reviewed the literature and existing guidelines on eyelid malignancies and presented current evidencebased recommendations for the diagnosis, surgical treatment, and postoperative care of patients with these lesions. Coauthors of the article were Fellows of the American Academy of Ophthalmology who represented the Cornea and External Disease, Oncology, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and Retina subspecialty societies. Key recommendations include the following: the preferred treatment for nonmelanoma skin cancer of the eyelid if possible is excision; Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS) is the preferred surgical technique for infiltrative basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the eyelid because it has the lowest local recurrence rate; intraoperative frozen section (IFS) is usually not necessary for patients undergoing MMS for nonmelanoma skin cancer of the eyelid; the optimal treatment of eyelid margin malignancies is MMS, although an alternative treatment is wedge resection and closure; patients with lesions involving the eyelid margin should have a preoperative fluorescein angiography to evaluate for conjunctival invasion and to help guide intraoperative management and the extent of excision; Mohs micrographic surgery is indicated for symptomatic or recurrent canalicular carcinomas or lesions present for more than 5 years; excisional biopsy of suspected eyelid malignancies should be performed in a location to permit optimal wound closure should the lesion be malignant; tumors of the eyelid skin should be excised with 24 mm around the visible tumor, and tumors of the eyelid margin should be excised with 46 mm around the visible tumor; and the technical approach to eyelid reconstruction depends on the relative location and size of the defect and adjacent structures and tissues. The remainder of this article discusses in detail the diagnosis of basal and squamous cell carcinoma of the eyelid and the treatment guidelines of these lesions.
3、开眼角开内眼角还 🐶 是外眼角
开眼角分 🐯 两种开 🌷 ,内眼角和开外 🐞 眼角:
开内眼角 优点: 拉 🦋 长内眼 🐦 角,让眼睛看起来更大更、明亮。
改善蒙古 🌸 褶 🌷 ,使眼睛 🌾 更对称。
缺点: 手术相对复杂 🐧 ,创口较小。
恢复期长,需 🍁 要几个 🕸 月时间才能完全愈合。
存在留疤的风 🦊 险,特别是蒙古褶较宽的人。
开外眼角 优点: 扩大外眼角,使眼睛看 🐯 起 🐼 来更圆 🦊 更、魅惑。
改善眼皮下垂 🦅 和外 🍀 眼 🍁 角下垂。
缺点: 手术比 💐 较 🍀 简单,但创口较大 🕊 。
恢复期较短,但需要几周时间才 🌻 能完全愈合。
存在 🦅 眼睑外翻的风险,需要 🌾 通过后续手术矫正 🌹 。
选 🦈 择哪种开眼角方式 🐱 取决于以下因素:
眼睛 💮 形状 🌳 和大 🐈 小
蒙古褶的 🐎 宽度
眼 🐦 睑 🐅 下垂的程 🐵 度
个 🍁 人审 🌿 美偏好 🌻
一般 🐋 来说,蒙,古褶较宽的人更适合开内眼角而外眼角下垂或眼皮较重 🌿 的人更适合 🦈 开外眼角。
4、开眼角内 ☘ 缝合需要 🌷 拆线吗
是的,开 🦄 眼角内缝合需要拆线。